Tổng: 2857
Lesson 4: Language Practice
Lesson 4: Language Practice 1
Practise comparative form and speaking
TrainZ Center TrainZ Center | 29/07/2023 16:29 | Học viên: 0 |
Lesson 3: Story & Speaking
Lesson 3: Story & Speaking 1
Act out a story, practise speaking, memory skill
TrainZ Center TrainZ Center | 29/07/2023 16:22 | Học viên: 0 |
Lesson 1: Words
Lesson 1: Words 1
Learn new word, practice reflexes, remember pronunciation quickly, reaction focus
TrainZ Center TrainZ Center | 29/07/2023 16:14 | Học viên: 0 |
Lesson 2: Reading & Speaking
Lesson 2: Reading & Speaking 1
Learn new word, practice make structure of sentences
TrainZ Center TrainZ Center | 29/07/2023 16:13 | Học viên: 0 |
Lesson 4: Language Practice
Lesson 4: Language Practice 1
Review unit 1 - 4
TrainZ Center TrainZ Center | 29/07/2023 15:53 | Học viên: 0 |
Lesson 3: Story & Speaking
Lesson 3: Story & Speaking 1
Acting out a story
TrainZ Center TrainZ Center | 28/07/2023 19:04 | Học viên: 0 |
Lesson 2: Reading & Speaking
Lesson 2: Reading & Speaking 1
Learn new word, practice make structure of sentences
TrainZ Center TrainZ Center | 28/07/2023 18:59 | Học viên: 0 |
Lesson 1: Words
Lesson 1: Words 1
Things in the house
TrainZ Center TrainZ Center | 28/07/2023 18:48 | Học viên: 0 |
Lesson 2: Reading & Speaking
Lesson 2: Reading & Speaking 1
Asking and answering about holidays
TrainZ Center TrainZ Center | 27/07/2023 17:36 | Học viên: 0 |
Lesson 1: Words
Lesson 1: Words 1
Activities holidays
TrainZ Center TrainZ Center | 27/07/2023 17:28 | Học viên: 0 |
Lesson 4: Language Practice
Lesson 4: Language Practice 1
Review the lesson
TrainZ Center TrainZ Center | 27/07/2023 17:21 | Học viên: 0 |
Lesson 3: Story
Lesson 3: Story 1
Understanding and acting out a story
TrainZ Center TrainZ Center | 27/07/2023 17:15 | Học viên: 0 |
Lesson 2: Speaking & Reading
Lesson 2: Speaking & Reading 1
Describing books; using adjectives
TrainZ Center TrainZ Center | 27/07/2023 17:08 | Học viên: 0 |
Lesson 1: Words
Lesson 1: Words 1
Categorizing vocabulary
TrainZ Center TrainZ Center | 27/07/2023 17:06 | Học viên: 0 |
Lesson 4: Language Practice
Lesson 4: Language Practice 1
Completing a speaking activity
TrainZ Center TrainZ Center | 27/07/2023 14:40 | Học viên: 0 |
Lesson 3: Story
Lesson 3: Story 1
Understanding and acting out a story; completing sentences about information in a table
TrainZ Center TrainZ Center | 27/07/2023 14:31 | Học viên: 0 |
Lesson 2: Listening & Speaking
Lesson 2: Listening & Speaking 1
Describing appearances; listening for specific information; asking and answering about families
TrainZ Center TrainZ Center | 27/07/2023 14:30 | Học viên: 0 |
Lesson 1: Words
Lesson 1: Words 1
Identifying family members; completing gapped sentences
TrainZ Center TrainZ Center | 27/07/2023 14:23 | Học viên: 0 |
Lesson 1: Words
Lesson 1: Words 1
Identifying food items and tableware
TrainZ Center TrainZ Center | 26/07/2023 15:02 | Học viên: 0 |
Lesson 2: Listening and Speaking
Lesson 2: Listening and Speaking 1
Describing animals; comparing animals
TrainZ Center TrainZ Center | 26/07/2023 14:50 | Học viên: 0 |